How to maintain the battery to prolong its life?

Time:2023-03-20 Hit:

1. Do not change the charger casually, and do not remove the speed limit of the controller.

Chargers of various manufacturers generally have individual needs, so don't change chargers at will when you are not sure. If the mileage requirement is long, it is necessary to equip multiple chargers for charging in different places, so the charger that is replenished during the day will be supplemented by another charger, and the original charger will be used at night. Removing the speed limit of the controller can improve the speed of some cars, which will not only reduce the safety of the cars, but also reduce the service life of the batteries.

2. Protect the charger.

The general instruction manual has instructions on protecting the charger. Many users don't have the habit of reading the instructions, and often think of looking for the instructions only after the problem, which is often too late, so it is very necessary to read the instructions first. In order to reduce the cost, the current chargers are basically not designed with high vibration resistance, so chargers should not be placed in the trunk and basket of electric bicycles. Under special circumstances, it must be moved, and the charger should be packed with foam plastic to prevent vibration and bumps. After many chargers are vibrated, the potentiometer inside them will drift, which will make the whole parameter drift and lead to abnormal charging state. In addition, it is important to keep the charger ventilated when charging, otherwise it will not only affect the life of the charger, but also affect the charging state due to thermal drift. This will damage the battery. Therefore, it is also very important to protect the charger.

3. Charge every day.

Even if your ability to continue running is not long, you can use it for 2 to 3 days on a single charge, but it is recommended that you charge it every day, so that the battery will be in a shallow cycle and its life will be prolonged. Some early mobile phone users think that it is best to recharge the battery after it is basically used up. This view is wrong, and the memory benefit of lead-acid batteries is not so strong. Frequent discharge has a great influence on the life of the battery. In most chargers, the battery charge may be ninety-seven percent ~ 99% after the indicator light changes to indicate full charge. Although only 1% ~ 3% of the battery is under-charged, the impact on the ability to continue running is almost negligible, but it will also form under-charging accumulation. Therefore, it is beneficial to continue floating charging as much as possible after the battery is fully charged with the electric variable lamp, which is also beneficial to inhibit the battery vulcanization.

4. Charge in time.

After the battery was discharged, the vulcanization process began, and obvious vulcanization appeared at 12 hours. Charging in time can remove minor sulfides. If charging is not done in time, these sulfides will accumulate and gradually form coarse crystals. General chargers are powerless to these coarse crystals, which will gradually reduce the battery capacity and shorten the service life of the battery.

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